Tuesday 23rd of April 2024

A Formal Definition of Model Composition Traceability

Youness Laghouaouta, Adil Anwar and Mahmoud Nassar

In a multi-modeling based approach, the system under development is described by several models that represent various perspectives and concerns. Obviously, these partial representations are less complex than the global model, but they need to be composed to address validation and synchronization tasks. The model composition is a crucial model driven development operation, but it remains a tedious and error prone activity. In this perspective, a traceability mechanism offers a way to master this complexity by providing support to comprehend the composition effects. In previous work, we presented a traceability approach dedicated to this operation. The current takes advantages of these experiments, and proposes a formalization of the model composition traceability. Also, an overview of a generic traceability approach is provided. The latter relies on the formal definition we introduce for the model composition operation and the related traces.

Keywords: Model Traceability, Model Driven Development, Model Composition, Formal Approach

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Youness Laghouaouta
received the Engineer of state degree in Software Engineering from National High School of Computer Science and Systems Analysis (ENSIAS) in 2009. He is currently a PhD student in the IMS (Models and Systems Engineering) team of SIME Laboratory at ENSIAS. His research interests are model traceability, model composition, aspect oriented engineering, and model-driven engineering.

Adil Anwar
works as professor in computer science at the Mohammed-V University of Rabat, and as a member of the Siweb research team of Mohammadia school of engineers. In 2009, he received a Ph.D degree in Computer Science at the University of Toulouse. He is interested in software engineering, including model driven software engineering, mainly by heterogeneous software language modeling, traceability management in MDE, combining formal and semi-formals methods in software development.

Mahmoud Nassar
is Professor and Head of the Software Engineering Department at National Higher School for Computer Science and Systems Analysis (ENSIAS), Rabat, Morocco. He is also Head of IMS (Models and Systems Engineering) Team of SIME Laboratory. He received his PhD in Computer Science from the INPT Institute of Toulouse, France. His research interests are integration of viewpoints in Object-Oriented Analysis/ Design (VUML profile), Model-Driven Engineering, and Context-Aware Service-Oriented Computing.

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