Thursday 18th of April 2024

A New Efficient Certificateless Multi-Receiver Public Key Encryption Scheme

Jun Zhu, Lin-Lin Chen, Xian Zhu and Ling Xie

Multi-receiver public key encryption is important in insecurity and open network environment and has been applied in many scenarios such as first pay television system, streaming media services and so on. To avoid costly management of certificate and settle the matter of key escrow, we combine multi-receiver public key encryption with certificateless cryptography, and then present the notion, security model as well as a concrete scheme for certificateless multi-receiver encryption. Our new ideal scheme is efficient and only needs one (or none if pre-computation has been considered) pairing computation in the step of encryption. Meanwhile, we prove the IND-CCA security of our scheme under the intractability of CDHI and Gap-BDH problem. The efficient scheme is able to be generally applied in a variety of scenarios especially in broadcast communication.

Keywords: Public Key Encryption, Certificateless Cryptography, Multi-Receiver, Random Oracle, Bilinear Map.

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Jun Zhu
a PhD student who will receive PhD degree in the major of computer science and technology, Hohai University, China. In June 2010 she has got her master degree of computer application at Nanjing Normal University. Since September 2010, she has worked in Nanjing University of Science and Technology Zijin College and is a lecturer and the director of the major of software engineering. She has published 11 papers and one patent related to certificateless cryptology, meanwhile, she has been supported by two provincial scientific research projects in 2016. Her research topics are related to cryptology, information security and intelligent information processing. Corresponding Author.

Lin-Lin Chen
a PhD student who will receive PhD degree in the major of computer science and technology, Nanjing University of Science and Technology, China, and has got her master degree at Suzhou University in 2006. Now she works in Nanjing University of Science and Technology Zijin College and is the dean of the college of computer science. She has published several papers related to software architecture and data mining.

Xian Zhu
She has got her master degree of computer application at Nanjing Normal University in 2009 and now works in Nanjing University of Science and Technology, China. She has been supported by natural science foundation of the colleges and universities in Jiangsu province in 2015. Her research topics are related to pattern recognition and biological information.

Ling Xie
a PhD student who will receive PhD degree in quantum communication, Nanjing University, China. In 2006, she got her master degree at Nanjing University of Technology and began to work in Nanjing University of Science and Technology Zijin College. She has published several papers and one patent related to automation control and quantum communication.

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