Thursday 25th of April 2024

Manipulation and presentation of object features in virtual reality environments through smart interaction device

Iliyan Nachev and Stoyan Maleshkov

The purpose of this paper is to present an approach for interacting remotely with virtual objects in virtual reality environment and assigning and displaying additional information about the object features through multimodal presentation techniques using visual, audio or tactile channels. The interaction is performed via client server application running on smart Android tablets and Windows-based virtual reality system. The software architecture and implementation details are discussed and evaluated. In comparison to similar techniques our solution has the advantage to be more user-friendly, providing additional information for the user and keeping minimal delay while performing the manipulation tasks.

Keywords: Virtual Reality, Multimodal Presentation, Android, Smart Device Interface, Gesture Recognition, Engineering Analysis Results Validation.

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Iliyan Nachev
Iliyan Nachev has received BSc. (2010) and MSc. (2012) degrees in computer systems and technologies from the Technical University of Sofia, Bulgaria. Currently he is PhD student, acting at the Virtual reality lab.

Stoyan Maleshkov
Stoyan Maleshkov has Eng. degree in system and control engineering (1975), master in applied mathematics (1977) and PhD in computer aided system design (1981), all received from the Technical University (TU) of Sofia, Bulgaria. Fulbright scholar (1989–1990) at the Interactive Modeling Research Lab, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, USA. Professor of computer aided engineering and computer graphics at the TU of Sofia. Department chair (2000-2004) and vice dean (2004-2008), both at the TU Sofia. Since 2008: Head of the Virtual reality lab, TU Sofia. Professor of computer graphics at the New Bulgarian University, Sofia, as a second job. IEEE member.

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