Wednesday 24th of April 2024

Overlapping and Non-overlapping Camera Layouts for Robot Pose Estimation

Mohammad Ehab Ragab

We study the use of overlapping and non-overlapping camera layouts in estimating the ego-motion of a moving robot. To estimate the location and orientation of the robot, we investigate using four cameras as non-overlapping individuals, and as two stereo pairs. The pros and cons of the two approaches are elucidated. The cameras work independently and can have larger field of view in the non-overlapping layout. However, a scale factor ambiguity should be dealt with. On the other hand, stereo systems provide more accuracy but require establishing feature correspondence with more computational demand. For both approaches, the extended Kalman filter is used as a real-time recursive estimator. The approaches studied are verified with synthetic and real experiments alike.

Keywords: Stereo, Multiple Cameras, Extended Kalman Filter, Robot Pose Estimation.

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Mohammad Ehab Ragab
Mohammad Ehab Ragab is a Researcher at the Informatics Department, the Electronics Research Institute in Egypt. He received the B.Sc., M.Sc., degrees from Ain Shams University, and Cairo University respectively. He obtained his Ph.D. from the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) in 2008. During his undergraduate studies, he received the “Simplified Scientific Writing Award” from the Academy of Scientific Research and Technology. He was awarded the “IDB Merit Scholarship” for conducting his Ph.D. studies. He taught courses in some distinguished Egyptian universities, and published in international journals and conferences. His research interests include: Computer vision, Robotics and Image Processing.

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