Sunday 28th of April 2024

Fast And Low Cost Automated Human 3D Modeling And Skeleton Generation

Samuel Cahyawijaya and Iping Supriana

Virtual reality technology is a very popular research nowadays. One kind of virtual reality is a virtual fitting room where people can try their outfit virtually. Virtual fitting room can be done in many ways. One of it is done by using a 3D model of the user and attach some accessories to the 3D model. In virtual fitting room, we need a human 3D model which is representative and can move like a real human. In this paper, we propose a fast and low cost 3D modeling approach with skeleton embedding for human object by using depth and color image. The proposed solution is divided into 3 main phase, which is image preprocessing phase, model generation phase, and model transformation rendering phase. Our implementation is done by using two Microsoft Kinect RGB and depth camera with 480x640 image resolution. The output quality of this solution is compared with ground truth

Keywords: 3D model, 3D reconstruction, skeleton, joint, transformation, Microsoft Kinect

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Samuel Cahyawijaya
Samuel Cahyawijya got his bachelor degree in Informatics Engineering Institut Teknologi Bandung in 2014. He is currently a founder of Pelita Cakrawala Inspirasi, a foundation that engage people to fight againts apathy and got a grant on one of most engaging national technopreneur event, Mandiri Young Technopreneur. He has been participated in Integrated Modular Avionic (IMA) research on Institut Teknologi Bandung from March 2014 until March 2015, supervised by Achmad Imam Kistijantoro, S.T,M.Sc,Ph.D. He has also been participating on computer graphics and computer vision research on Institut Teknologi Bandung since 2013, supervised by Prof. Dr. Ir. Iping Supriana.

Iping Supriana
Iping Supriana got his doctoral degree in 1986 and granted title of professor in 2009. One of his fenomenal research is Digital Mark Reader (DMR), an imaging system to automatically calculate score from test paper (called Lembar Jawab Komputer) with a speed of 12000 test paper image per minute which win the Asia Pacific ICT Award category Best Education & Training on 2004. He also got a national grant on Anugerah TIK Jawa Barat 2012. Currently, he served as a memeber of academic senate and a professor of computer graphics and computer vision in Institut Teknologi Bandung

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