Tuesday 30th of April 2024

A Multi-Agent Systems Engineering for Semantic Search of Reuse Software Components

Nedhal A. Al-Saiyd, Muna F. Al-Samarae and Intisar A. Al-Sayed

In component-based software development (CBSD) approach, the searching and retrieving of accurate reusable software components that are stored in large, distributed and heterogeneous-structured repositories is a tedious and time consuming process. This paper presents the design and implementation of ontology-based multi-agent software component retrieval system using semantic and structural formalism. A multi-agent system (MAS) is used for searching interconnected repositories and retrieving the desired software component. It consists of integrated tasks that are developing an internal keyword/concept reference table (Terms Vector), understanding the meaning user query using keyword matching, structuring the component specification in repository, developing a semantic search engine, categorizing the selected components, and presenting the relevant retrieving component in user-friendly way. The users inset a free form of a natural language query without having to know about the vocabulary or the structure of the ontology, and the system produces better relevant results than the traditional keyword-based retrieval systems. An Ontology Web Language (OWL) is used to represent ontologies of component knowledge base and knowledge modeling is built using Protg and OWL-based representation. The implementation of the ontologies models is separated from the implementation of the semantic retrieval system of reusable components. Therefore, it is easy to maintain.

Keywords: Component-Based Development, reusable Software Component, Multi-Agent Software Engineering, Semantic Search, Ontology, knowledge Modeling

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Nedhal A. Al-Saiyd
Dr. Nedhal A. Al-Saiyd. She got her B.Sc. degree in Computer Science from University of Mosul-Iraq in 1981, M.Sc. and PhD degrees from University of Technology, Baghdad-Iraq in 1989 and 2000 respectively. She is an Associate Prof. at Computer Science Dept., Faculty of Information Technology, in the Applied Science University, Amman, Jordan. She has got more than 24 years of teaching experience. Her research interests include Software Engineering, Ontology Engineering, Intelligent Systems, User Authentication, Security and Speech Processing.

Muna F. Al-Samarae
Dr. Muna F. Al-sammarai. She obtained her B.Sc. degree from Al-Mansour University Baghdad-Iraq in 1994, M.Sc. and PhD degrees from University of Technology, Baghdad-Iraq in 1997 and 2002 respectively. She is an Associated Prof. at MIS Dept., Faculty of Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences in Al-Zaytoonah University, Amman, Jordan. She has got more than 17 years of teaching experience. Her research interests include: Software Engineering, Image Processing, Ontology Engineering and Intelligent Systems.

Intisar A. Al-Sayed
Dr. Intisar A. Al-Sayed. She got her B.Sc. from University of Technology, Baghdad-Iraq, in 1986, M.Sc. degree from Al-Nahreen University, Baghdad-Iraq, in 1993, and PhD from University of Technology, Baghdad-Iraq in 2000. She is an Associated Prof. at Computer Network Dept., Faculty of Information Technology, in Al-Isra University, Amman Jordan. She has got more than 21 years of teaching experience. Her research interests include: Genetic Algorithms, Computer Engineering, Software Engineering, Ontology Engineering, and Intelligent Systems.

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