Saturday 27th of April 2024

A Multimodal Biometric System Using Linear Discriminant Analysis For Improved Performance

Aamir Khan, Muhammad Farhan, Aasim Khurshid and Adeel Akram

Essentially a biometric system is a pattern recognition system which recognizes a user by determining the authenticity of a specific anatomical or behavioral characteristic possessed by the user. With the ever increasing integration of computers and Internet into daily life style, it has become necessary to protect sensitive and personal data. This paper proposes a multimodal biometric system which incorporates more than one biometric trait to attain higher security and to handle failure to enroll situations for some users. This paper is aimed at investigating a multimodal biometric identity system using Linear Discriminant Analysis as backbone to both facial and speech recognition and implementing such system in real-time using SignalWAVE.

Keywords: Pattern Recognition, PCA, LDA, KNN,MFCCs, SVM, Speech/Visual Authentication.

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Aamir Khan
Aamir Khan has received M.Sc. degree in Electronic Communications and Computer Engineering from University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus in 2011. He is working at CIIT Wah Campus as lecturer in Electrical Engineering Department. Research interests include embedded systems, intelligent systems, pattern recognition and optical communications.

Muhammad Farhan
Muhammad Farhan has received M.Sc. degree in Electronic Communications and Computer Engineering from University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus in 2011. He is working at University of Science and Technology Bannuuas lecturer in Institute of Engineering and Computing Sciences. Research interests include speech processing, intelligent systems and pattern recognition.

Aasim Khurshid
Aasim Khurshid is MSc Software Engineering from University of Science and Technology, Taxila, Pakistan and is working at Government Post Graduate College, Mandian, Pakistan. Research interests include operating systems, pattern recognition.

Adeel Akram
Adeel Akram has received M.Sc. degree in Computer Engineering from National University of Science and Technology Pakistan. He is working at CIIT Wah Campus as lecturer in Electrical Engineering Department. Research interests include embedded systems, reconfigurable computing, pattern recognition and computer architecture.

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