Sunday 28th of April 2024

Analysis of Feature Extractor and Classifier for Magnetic Resonant Image Segmentation

Anil Kumbhar, Anju Kulkarni and Uday Sutar

Diagnostic imaging is a critical tool in healthcare sector. There are various modalities such as Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), computed tomography (CT), digital mammography, and others, to provide an insight of subjects body, noninvasively in order to facilitate stakeholders to take decision in diagnosis. Additionally, in medical research, these technologies has been playing centre role in most of the health care studies and experiments. Being a critical component in imaging systems, MRI system has been active area for researchers in computational intelligence and image processing. One of the most important problems in image processing and analysis is segmentation and same is true for biomedical imaging. The main objective of segmentation is separating the pixels associated with different types of tissues like white matter (WM), gray matter (GM) and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). In this paper, we present the analysis of various features to be used for segmentation process. Additionally, the classifiers such as SVM and Neural Network have also been compared here. The main objective of this paper is to determine the best candidate for the optimized feature and classifier to be used in segmentation process.

Keywords: Magnetic Resonant Images, Image segmentation, Wavelet, Neural Network, SVM, k-means clustering

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Anil Kumbhar
Anil Kumbhar received BE in electronics and ME in power electronics 1992 and 1998 respectively. Since then he has been working in various Pune University (India) engineering colleges such as SVCP, PVPIT and SKNCOE as assistant professor. He has recently published around two research papers in international conferences. He is currently working towards his PhD. His research area includes image processing, computational intelligence and power electronics.

Anju Kulkarni
Dr. Anju kulkarni received BE, ME and PhD degrees and has been working as a professor in DYPCOE, Pune University for around 10 years. Her research area includes image processing, computational intelligence and power electronics.

Uday Sutar
Dr. Uday Sutar is also associated with the engineering college of Pune University.

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