Sunday 28th of April 2024

Functional Behavior Pattern for Data Mart Based on the Attribute Relativity

M Paulraj and Sivaprakasam P

The growing need for huge volume of data in enterprise and corporate environment, fuel the demand of data warehousing. Data warehousing collects the data at different levels (i.e., departmental, operational, functional) and stored as a collective data repository with better storage efficiency. Various data warehousing models concentrate on storing the data more efficiently and quickly. In addition accessibility of data from the warehouse needs better understanding of the structure in which the data layers are stored in the repository. However function requirements of users are not easily understood by the data warehouse model. It needs efficient decision support system to extract the required user demanded data from data warehouse. To handle the issue of functional decision support system to extract user relevant data, data marts are introduced. Data marts built separate functional data repository layers based on the departmental decision support requirements in the enterprise and corporate data applications. In our research work, we plan to built a Functional Layer Interfaced Data Mart Architecture (FLIDMA) to provide a better decision support system for larger corporate and enterprise data applications. In this work, the functional behavior of the corporate system is analyzed, based on its operational goal to build layers of data storage repositories with relevant data attributes using functional behavior pattern (FBP). An experimental evaluation is conducted with benchmark datasets from UCI repository data sets and compared with existing multi-functional data warehousing model in terms of number of functional data attributes, attribute relativity, analysis of functional behavior.

Keywords: Data warehouse, Data mart, Functional behavior, Functional attributes, Decision support, Inductive rule mining

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M Paulraj
PAULRAJ M received a Master Degree from Madurai Kamaraj University, India, Post Graduate Diploma in Business Administration from Annamalai University, India and Master of Computer Application (M.C.A) degree from Indira Gandhi National Open University, New Delhi, India, in 2002. He joined the Computer Centre , Department of Statistics, Ministry of Planning, New Delhi, and He joined the National Crime Records Bureau, Ministry of Home Affairs, New Delhi, where he was a Junior Staff Officer(System Analyst). He is currently Senior Systems Manager of Department of Information Technology at Canara Bank, Head Office, Bangalore, India, his job interests include introducing new technology and projects related to financial systems & analysis. He currently preparing a Ph.D in Computer Science, research scholar, thesis titled “Performance Analysis for Data Mart” in a reputed University at Tamil Nadu, India.

Sivaprakasam P
CO-AUTHOR Dr. SIVAPRAKASAM P, M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D is associate professor, Department of Computer Science, at Sri Vasavi College, Erode – 638 316, Tamil Nadu, India. He obtained Ph.D. from Periyar University, Salem, Tamil Nadu, India in Analysis of Web Caching Architecture.

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