Sunday 28th of April 2024

Improvement the Flatness, Gain and Bandwidth of Cascaded Raman Amplifiers for Long-Haul UW-WDM Optical Communications Systems

Fathy M. Mustafa, Ashraf A. Khalaf and F. A. El-Geldawy

In the present paper, the problem of multi-pumping all Raman amplifier has been investigated to obtain a maximum flatness gain and increases the bandwidth of the cascaded Raman amplifiers over a wide range of optical signal wavelengths for long-haul ultra-wide wavelength division multiplexing (UW-WDM) transmission systems due to multi-pumping wavelengths and pumping power . Three cases are analyzed where, five, eight and ten Raman pumping of special pumping powers are launched in the forward direction. We obtained a different bandwidth and different gain with flatness [1] but in the present paper we modified the flatness of the gain. The model equations are numerically handled and processed via specially cast software (Matlab). The gain is computed over the spectral optical wavelengths (1.45#956;m #8804; #955; signal #8804; 1.65#956;m).

Keywords: Raman amplifier, Distributed multi-pumping Raman amplifier (DMRA), Raman gain, pumping power and wavelength, ultra wide-wavelength division multiplexing (UW-WDM).

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Fathy M. Mustafa
Fathy M. Mustafa received the B.Sc. degree in Electronics and communications department with honors from the Faculty of Engineering, Fayoum University, Fayoum, Egypt, in 2003. He is currently working a research assistant in Electronics and communications department at Bani-suef University. He is earned the M.Sc degree in Electronics and communication engineering in 2007 from Arab Academy for Science and Technology & Maritime Transport College of Engineering and Technology, Alexandria, Egypt. He is joined the PhD program in Mina university in 2011. Her areas of interest include optical communications, optical amplifiers.

Ashraf A. Khalaf
Ashraf A. Khalaf: received his B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in electrical engineering from Minia university, Egypt, in 1989 and 1994 respectively. He received his Ph.D in electrical engineering from Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology, Kanazawa university, Japan in 2000. He works at electronics and communications engineering Department, Minia University. He is a member of IEEE since 12 years.

F. A. El-Geldawy
F. A. El-Geldawy: in He is a professor Electric Engineering Dept.,faculty of engineering, Minia, Egypt.

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