Friday 26th of April 2024

Issues and Challenges in Analyzing Opinions in Marathi Text

Neelima Mhaske and Ajay S. Patil

Opinion mining is the process of identifying and extracting subjective information in texts and further analyzing the subjective text for deciding whether it is positive, negative or neutral. It is very popular and challenging area of research. The need for automatic opinion analysis arises from the human nature of believing others. While making decisions, it is very common for people to consult other people for their opinions and experiences. The Internet and social media have greatly influenced the way people communicate with each other. The availability of large amount of information on Internet and social media sites makes it difficult for users to read whole text and analyze opinions. Automatic opinion mining systems make the task of reading and analyzing opinions easy and time efficient. Opinion mining systems are language and domain dependent. To build opinion mining resources and systems it is necessary to understand how opinions are expressed in target language. Most of the research in the field of opinion mining has been carried out for English language. The growing applications of this field have attracted the researchers to develop resources and tools for non-English languages. In case of Indian languages resources have been developed for Bengali and Hindi languages. Work is also in progress for other languages. In this paper we discuss various issues and challenges in the opinion mining of Marathi Text.

Keywords: Opinion Mining, Sentiment Analysis, Opinion Extraction, Marathi Language

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Neelima Mhaske
School of Computer Sciences, North Maharashtra University,Jalgaon, Maharashtra, India

Ajay S. Patil
School of Computer Sciences, North Maharashtra University,Jalgaon, Maharashtra, India

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