Thursday 2nd of May 2024

A New Signal Denoising Method using Iterative Thresholding of the Spectral Intrinsic Decomposition

Oumar Niang, Abdoulaye Thioune, Mouhamed Cheikh El Gueirea, Eric Deléchelle and Jacques Lemoine

This paper presents a new signal denoising method based on the classical three step procedure analysis-threshold-synthesis and the Spectral Intrinsic Decomposition (SID). This method consists of an iterative thresholding of the SID components. If the wavelets denoising approach depends on the choice of the wavelet form, the SID-denoising proposed in this paper is self adaptive. The SID-based removal method reduces noise and can retain useful discontinuities of the signal as effectively as the wavelet techniques based on soft thresholding.

Keywords: Spectral Intrinsic Decomposition, Signal denoising, Shrinkage, Soft thresholding, Wavelets

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Oumar Niang
Oumar Niang received the Ph.D. degree in computer sciences - actual biomedical engineering - from the Laboratoire Images, Signaux et Systemes Intelligents (LISSI-E.A. 3956), Universite Paris Est Creteil Val- de- Marne- ex Paris 12 Val–de–Marne - , Creteil, France, in 2007. He is a Rechearch Professor at the Ecole Polytechnique de Thies Senegal. He is member of Laboratoire d’Analyse Numerique et d’Informatique (LANI) UGB Senegal with research interests focused on mathematical modeling in signal processing, images processing and complex systems, time frequency analysis, biomedical signal and medical image analysis.

Abdoulaye Thioune
Abdoulaye Thioune received the master thesis in Transmission de Donées et Sécurité de l\'Information at Laboratoire d\'Algèbre, de Cryptologie, de Géométrie Algébrique et Applications de la faculté des Sciences et Technique, Université Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar Sénégal, in 2009. He prepare actually the Phd degree in biomedical engineering at the Laboratoire Images, Signaux et Systèmes Intelligents (LISSI- E.A.3956) - Université Paris Est Créteil Val-de-Marne, France.

Mouhamed Cheikh El Gueirea
Mouhamed Cheikh El Gueirea received the master thesis at UFR Sciences Appliquées et de Technologie de l’Université Gastion Berger (UGB) de Saint-Louis, and is member of Laboratoire d’Analyse Numérique et d’Informatique (LANI) UGB Sénégal, in 2007. He prepare actually the Phd degree in Numerical Analysis at the same university.

Eric Deléchelle
Eric Deléchelle received the Ph.D. degree in biomed- ical engineering from the Université Paris Est Créteil Val-de-Marnel, France, in 1997. He is with the Laboratoire Images, Signaux et Systèmes Intelligents (LISSI- E.A.3956) - Université Paris Est Créteil Val-de-Marne, France. Since 1999, he has been Maitre de Conférences at the Institut Universitaire de Technologie, Créteil, with research interests focused on stochastic signal analysis, biomedical signal, and medical image processing.

Jacques Lemoine
Jacques Lemoine received the Ph.D. degree in biomedical engineering from the Université Paris Est Créteil Val-de-Marnel, France, in 1981. He is a Distinguished Professor in the Laboratoire Images, Signaux et Systèmes Intelligents (LiSSi-EA 3956), UFR des Sciences et Technologie, Université Paris Est Créteil Val-de-Marne, France. His research interests are focused on stochastic signal analysis, biomedical signal, and medical image processing.

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